Compliance: Process & Policy

UCSF data access processes are designed to make policy compliance easy and seamless. If you are working with a consultant for clinical data access, you will receive guidance on regulatory issues.

General Policies for UCSF Data Use

Enterprise Data Request Process

The Enterprise Data Request Process (EDRP) ensures all UCSF privacy and security policies are followed. The process provides faculty, staff, and students with a streamlined and easy-to-use way to request clinical data for treatment, payment, operations, quality improvement, and research. A wide range of stakeholders participated in developing the EDRP and supporting the UCSF Community on the following process on an ongoing basis.

Process Documentation

Submitting a Request for Data

With this simplified process, the system automatically guides your request through the completion of the required steps after the initial request. Explore the details:

Tips for Data Service Providers Managing Enterprise Data Request Tickets

Additional Resources

Stakeholders in Defining and Supporting the Enterprise Data Request Process

  • Enterprise Information and Analytics Department and Steering Committee
  • Audit and Advisory Services
  • Clinical and Translational Science Institute
  • Privacy Office
  • Security and Policy
  • Legal
  • Risk Management
  • Human Research Protection Program
  • Health System and Campus Procurement Offices
  • Health Plan Strategy
  • Office of Sponsored Research
  • Innovation Technology and Alliances
  • Academic Research Services
  • Library
  • Export Control