1. Can we access Tableau File Explorer (Citrix) on Mac operating system?
Yes, we can but you need to install and setup compatiable Citrix Receiver on your machine. You can find software here: Link
2. My machine already have old version of Citrix Receiver installed. Can we use it to acess Tableau Desktop?
Please uninstall old version and install the latest version before accessing Tableau Desktop. You can find latest software here: Link
3. When i click on Tableau Explorer icon, it is taking around '20' to '30' seconds to launch the aplication. Why there is a delay?
This is an expected behavior. Since the Tableau Explorer is hosted remotely on Citrix platform, it usually takes '20' to '30' seconds to launch Tableau File Explorer after you click on the icon.
4. Can we access Tableau Desktop (Citrix) on Mac operating system?
Yes, we can but you need to install and setup compatiable Citrix Receiver on your machine. You can find software here: Link
5. My machine already have old version of Citrix Receiver installed. Can we use it to acess Tableau Desktop?
Please uninstall old version and install the latest version before accessing Tableau Desktop. You can find latest software here: Link
6. When i click on Tableau Desktop icon, it is taking around 20 to 30 seconds to launch the aplication. Why there is a delay?
This is an expected behavior. Since the Tableau Desktop is hosted remotely on Citrix platform, it usually takes 20 to 30 seconds to launch Tableau Desktop after you click on the icon.
7. What is (U:) drive?
This drive is used as "Personal Drive" and also used as a "Repository" for Tableau Desktop application.
8. What is the difference between Development and QA sites?
Development is only intended to use by "Tableau Developers" to publish and test the initially developed copies of Dashboards and Data Sources. This site is used to perform unit testing before publishing the content to QA Site to share with Interactors and Viewers.
QA site is used to share Dashboards with Interactors and Viewers. This site is explictly used to perform User Acceptance Testing before promoting the dashboards to Production site for larger audience.
9. Can Tableau Developer have access to all the Projects on Development or QA site?
No, Developers are only allowed to access Projects they are authorized to access.
10. Can Tableau Developer create new Projects on Development or QA site?
No, Developers are not authorized to create new projects.
For any questions or suggestions, please e-mail to [email protected]