Our Vision

Data.ucsf.edu will be a centralized resource that will enable UCSF staff, faculty and students to understand the available data and analytics tools and services available to support their clinical, research, educational and administrative efforts.

Data.ucsf.edu will enable you to:

  • Discover UCSF data assets and how to gain access to them. You will have the ability to learn about the clinical, educational, and administrative data assets available for use at UCSF, including data model definitions, data dictionaries, and comprehensive definitions of available databases. These metadata will be searchable, which will ease the efforts in finding data assets that will suit a particular user's needs. Information will be provided on how to gain access for each data asset. The types of data assets published on the website include:
    • Data Sources
    • Reports and dashboards
    • Applications
    • Measure and metric definitions
    • Learn about how to register a new data asset
  • Learn about available UCSF data tools and services. This website will enable you to view a comprehensive listing of the tools and services that are offered at UCSF to view, analyze, store, and visualize data. From this central portal, you can view descriptions of the tools and services, learn how to request the service or access to the tool, launch the tools, and navigate to more detailed information on the tools and services. Individuals will also be able to:
    • Register a tool
    • Register a set of data or analytic services
  • Learn about UCSF Data and Analytic initiatives. The website will serve as a communication platform for providing information about ongoing data and analytic initiatives across UCSF. Some items that will be included are:
    • Efforts of the Enterprise Information and Analytic Steering Community and Domain focused Workgroups
    • Data governance activities
    • Other major projects

Have a data tool or data service that you would like included on data.ucsf.edu? Please submit your request via the EIA Intake Request Form.