To improve security of data containing PHI, users exporting files such as Epic-Crystal report data out of APeX will be prompted to enter a password to encrypt the files by default. Those passwords will be used to open files outside of APeX so that PHI can’t be assessed without the file’s password.
Exporting Excel Data from Epic-Crystal Reports
To export Excel data follow the steps listed below.
Click My Reports on the Hyperspace toolbar.
Select a report that’s Ready to View (or Viewed).
Page Break
Click on the report and a dialog box should appear.
If this message pops up, please click ok
Page Break
Select This PC.
Double-click your personal (P:) drive or any of the network drives listed under Devices and Drives. (Note that the file now saves in a .XLSX format)
you may also select the (P:) drive from the drop down menu in the Save in field
Enter the name of the file in the File name field.
Click Save.
File Encryption Password window appears
Enter and verify password.
Click Accept.
If this window appears, please click on Cancel
Select Start
, then Computer
and locate the Network drive you saved to in Step 6
Double-click to Open the file.
Enter the same password when prompted.
The file should open in Excel
For questions, please contact