Step 6.1 - How to Copy/Download files to and from Citrix environment and Connect using Tableau Desktop

In order to copy files to Citrix environment, Tableau Developer needs to map their department folder to their local machines using below instructions.  

1. On your Windows laptop/desktop, open "This PC" 

2. Right-click under "Devices and drives" and select "Add a network location" 

3. Click "Next".

4. Select "Choose a custom network location"  and click "Next"

5. In the "Internet or network address" field, provide the path of "Tableau File Server". (click here to see the server path)

6. Type a meaningful name of your choice and click "Next"

7. Click "Finish"

8. You should be able to see the mapped drive.

9.  Copy a file from your local machine and Paste it in your Department folder under "Tableau_Projects". In the example, the department folder is "Department of Sales". Make sure you store all the data files under Utilities > Data Files folder

10. Open "Tableau Desktop" application and select "Microsft Excel" 

11. Select the data source file "Sample - Superstore" and click "Open"

12. Repeat Steps 1 to 8 if you want to map "TableauUserProfile"

13. To download the content from these mapped drives, simply use Copy and Paste options.

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