Will ZSFG data be 'shared' patients only or all patients?
Do de-identified datasets include unique identifiers to identify same individual across years/contexts? And is there a linking code to allow re-identification if needed?
Does Death Registry data contain Cause of Death, and/or will it update patient record in APEX? Or is it only available to link to records in the CDW/information commons?
Are provider identities also scrubbed from de-identified datasets, or patient PHI only?
How much will Tableau cost for UCSF users?
How are dates de-identified in CDW?
How will new ZSFG Epic data be integrated after go-live in 2019?
How do we routinely map MRN to surrogate patient IDs?
What does the raffle winner get?
Will Open Proposals for Imaging Commons that work on imaging data (i.e. imaging commons) be considered at this time?
Will Imaging Commons use the Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA)?
What will happen to RDB?
Does UCSF have the Epic Research application? If so, how can researchers access and use this Epic specific app at UCSF?
To what extent will APeX Enabled Research (AER) Unit support Epic-enabled research by UCSF faculty at ZSFG once Epic is up and running there?
How will existing DD&T (Digital Diagnostics & Therapeutics) process work with new AER (APeX Enabled Research)?
How are flowsheet rows data captured? Is it available in Clarity tables?
Do we have any in-house expertise on data anonymization (vs de-identification)?
How do you access SliceDicer? Can I get to it myself or does someone in the health system need to do it for me? What are pros/cons of SlicerDicer over using the Research Data Browser tool discussed this morning?
Could I see any or all patient data via SlicerDicer? Or only my patients?
Can SlicerDicer pull in data from other institutions linked via Epic CareEverywhere?
What is the best option for storage of PHI data that only needs to be archived (ie not actively used)?
What support exists for design of SPRO survey, and managing additional questionnaires throughout diagnosis?
What's the difference between the research data browser data (flat files) and Information Commons data?
Will the ppt slides for all 4 sessions of Track 2 be available to attendees after the conference?
Does Information Commons use SAS as well as R, SQL, etc?
Will the sample code (SQL, R, Python) be available for download?
What size limits are placed on the user-uploaded datasets?
If SAS will not be available, will it be easy to download data, eg to MyResearch for analysis using SAS?
Will PatientExploreR be able to be used on identified data such that you could put in a MRN and get a summary display of everything available?
Will there be auto-scaling on the information commons clusters? How will the team mitigate performance issues during peak hours of computation?
Is the source data of PatientExploreR and that of the de-identified structured EHR data the same tables?
What are the security concerns, and restrictions if users of PatientExploreR can export rows of data and slides to their local machine?
How are the questionnaires assigned to specific patients and how/when are they sent out?
Approximately what completion frequency do we see overall for patient questionnaires?
If we want a patient to fill out >1 questionnaire and we assign multiple, will the patient receive multiple requests for many questionnaires, or will it be one "big" questionnaire?
Are Promis questionnaires mandated in any clinic? How does that come about?
Why would you choose PROMIS for something like depression over PHQ9?
Do you need IRB approval to collect data on PROMIS measures?
Can you assign/route results of PROMIS questionnaires to research staff?
How do you invite a cohort of patients to fill out a PROMIS questionnaire (instead of just an individual patient)?
Is reporting workbench available to anyone?
It was mentioned that if you assign a questionnaire manually that the patient gets an email to go to MyChart 7 days before an appointment. Is there a way to modify this time frame (eg one day before appointment)? What happens if you assign it three days before the appointment?
Can you route questionnaire results to research staff instead of a clinician's in-basket?
How often is the Caboodle CDW updated with Clarity data and from other data sources?
Do I need to use the new AER (APeX Enabled Research) consultancy to do what Andrew Robinson is talking about?
Do I need a login to Epic user web?
Are there way some to link info from mobile apps directly into patient charts in Epic?
Anyone interested a deeper dive technical session on SMART on FHIR, CDS etc?
Can you link existing apps outside of HSPC (like those on the App Store) to Epic? Similarly, can you link existing web resources like mdcalc.com or thennt.com using CDS hooks?
What is the slack channel mentioned as a self-service tool on DD&T process slide? Is this on the UCTech slack instance?
What are the current DD&T health system priority areas? What types of clinical / workflow issues are important?
Can any developer get access to ACE6? How?
When app writes to Epic, where does it write? I.e., creates a note, structured data, custom table?
Do the systems we are building like CDW and Information Commons have data dictionary included so you can know timing and source of information?
How do the new data security policies/practices impact signing up for and using data from clinical service registries (not internal EPIC-based registries but professional-society based registries managed by external groups)?
Will guidance be provided to researchers about importing data from foreign organizations? Especially data from Africa and Asia.
What caveats should we account for when using unsupervised ML models, since no way to ensure "truthfulness" of outcome?
Would Google AI consider helping with improvements to APeX design to improve clinical data collection?
How can UCSF researchers leverage Google Healthcare API platform today? I understand it is in a "trusted tester" phase.
Is the data from the PROMIS questionnaires available in Clarity?
Which Health Measures calibration sample is used when calculating PROMIS scores from various surveys on APeX?
Can you assign a survey to non-MyChart patients? And then have the staid shoe to rooming staff to prompt a paper survey?